June 21, 2017


       We arrived at the hospital at 5:20 am on Wednesday March 22nd  after leaving the house without the diaper bag and having to run home and get it… good thing we only live up the street from the hospital. It was so weird waking up knowing I was going to have two babies that day. Being induced was very  different then going into spontaneous labor. I actually did my hair before heading to the hospital! After carrying these twin babies for 38 weeks and two days I was so ready to meet these lil guys, and not be pregnant anymore! 

  They started the pitocin around 6:30 am after replacing my iv three times or so it finally stopped leaking and things were ready to go. After having a few contractions here and there I decided to get my epidural, because my doctor was coming in to break my water around 9 and I didn’t want to take the chance that I could progress super fast and not have time for an epidural and have to be put under or if anything went wrong with the babies such as a sudden heart rate drop, I wanted to have the epidural in me already so I could make sure I was awake and present during the delivery. At 8:30  I was C -curving it up (thank goodness for my modern dance degree) and the epidural was sliding in like butter said the anesthesiologist. Zach held my hands and squeezed them harder than I was squeezing his hands. He said it was to distract me from the pain… I was hoping it wasn’t cause it was making him feel sick thinking about it.  As soon as the epidural was placed my doctor arrived and was ready to break my water. 

  At this point everything was great, I was just laying around eating popsicles listening to a Spotify playlist my friend gina made called “baby boy”. Zach was in the window seal reading “Wooden” and we were admiring the great view we had the cluster of pine trees below. I had my labor rock that dad found me on cannon beach and I held onto it throughout this whole calm time. Sadly though things weren’t progressing very quickly at all. So around 2:30 pm they brought out this thing called “The peanut ball.” When I heard that they were going to bring it out, I first I thought i would have to bounce on some ball… which is funny that i thought such things since i was hooked up to all sorts of machines and monitors. The peanut pillow thing basically turned me on my side with my leg up and over a peanut shaped ball. It worked wonders. I went from being dilated to a 4, and pretty posterior, to being wheeled to the operating room contracting like crazy, and being able to feel it, and ready to push some babies out, within a matter of an hour… talk about slight panic attack! 

  I was so calm the entire day, then all of the sudden, bam! I just didn’t think things would happen so quickly! I So as they wheeled me to the operating room, calling my doctor on the way and I was a little bit of a wreck. I was in quite a bit of pain, they said sometimes that happens with epidurals, because of the gravity it can kinda go away on the side that was propped up by the pillow. So the anesthesiologist came and gave me another does, and I was really feeling the urge to push. It was really shocking how fast it all happened. I wasn’t expecting that. I thought I would slowly progress, and then get to a ten and they’d be like okay your at a ten lets head down there… It was much more hectic and crazy than what i pictured. Figures. The entire ride down the hall I was breathing super heavy and feeling likeI was going to pass out. I couldn’t find Zach and that stressed me out too. He was behind all the nurses and then had to get dressed in his operating room attire. Once they got me in the OR we had ten plus people in the room and the epidural was starting to work again. Zach was there decked out in his garb and looking super cute, and he had such a calming effect on me, like he always does, Im so glad I had him by my side.  I wasn’t feeling a huge urge to push anymore, and I was able to calm down a little, after a cold cloth was placed on my head. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths, and honestly prayed like crazy that my doctor would get there and that I would have some burst of energy to push out a couple of kiddos.

Doctor Kyle arrived just in time and things slowed down a bit and I was able to breath and focus on the task at hand. After pushing for about ten minutes and seeing Baby A’s head full of dark hair in the mirror he was out and everyone was cheering, and I felt so much support in that room. He weighed in at 5lbs 9oz and was 19 1/4 inches long I found out later that his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck at one point but wasn’t a problem and my doctor was able to get it off and  get him out safe and sound. As they placed him on me almost immediately, I was crying tears of pure joy. Its such a euphoric feeling, I was completely exhausted, yet feeling so strong and empowered by this tiny human I had been waiting to meet for 9 months now crying and snuggling on my chest. His warm little body resting against my skin.

        Only one more to go.. I got a few minutes to rest and cry, and stare at my baby boy. While they were making sure Baby B was in the right position. It turns out  his little hand was wanting to come out first so my doctor said she just pinched it and he moved it for her. About ten minutes went by and it was time to push once again. It was seriously amazing how much energy I had at this point. I had way more energy this time around than I did delivering Nola. I pushed for five more minutes and Baby B was then being held up in the air and being placed on my chest next to his brother.He weighed 7lbs 9oz, 19 1/2 inches long, and looked so different from his brother. As soon as I saw him the name Beck popped into my head, and he looked like a little Beck to me instantly. Tears ran down my face and I couldn’t believe I had two beautiful baby boys. They took one of the boys and Zach did skin to skin with him, while they stitched me up and I just laid there in pure bliss surrounded by my sweet husband and my brand new sons. 

As they wheeled me back to my laboring room with those sweet boys on my chest, my mom, nola, and Zach’s parents were there waiting for us. Nola was excited to see her new brothers but was kinda distracted playing with Papa Carey. I was in a daze and really don’t have much recollection of what happened during this time. Both grandmas each held a baby and we discussed possible names, Zach was snapping pictures and I was just sorta out of it, but so happy. The nurses helped me breastfeed both babies at the same time and they did really well latching on and i was so grateful it went smoothly. 

Over the next day and a half we had decided that Beck was Beck, but Ren was actually Nash for a day. I really didn’t think he looked like a Nash though. My Mom, and Jaesie, and Ashlee and Carly all agreed that Ren fit him much better. Zach was kinda bummed I think, cause he really liked Nash, but I just wasn’t feeling it. The middle names took awhile to decide on as well, but I like that they are both named after two of their great grandpas. Grandpa Heber, and Grandpa Max. 

Nola finally took the time to meet the little guys and she seemed pretty excited that the babies were here. She liked to pet their little heads and give them kisses. At one point though she refused to pet lil Ren’s head cause his hair was grossing her out. It was all covered in guck because they no longer bathe babies in the hospital, cause apparently its good for the amniotic fluid to be on their skin for awhile. 
      We were so impressed with everyone at St Vincents Hospital. The staff was so amazing and they did lots of thoughtful little things to make the experience that much more special. They brought the daddy to be a little "during labor package" with snacks and propel... which zach commented he hadn't drinken since high school, haha i remember propel being all the rage back then. Anyways, after the babies were born and we were wheeled into our room we would stay and recover in there were fleece swaddlers and teddy bears for the boys. They also gave a celebratory cider and cheesecake as the new parents. All these things were super sweet, but what I was grateful for the most, were my many nurses who couldn't have been kinder and who had so much knowledge and helped day in and day out. I also was able to talk to lactation specialists whenever I needed. When I had Nola, the hospital gave me the option to see a lactation specialist for about twenty minutes. At St. Vincent's hospital I had endless support when it came to breastfeeding these babies of mine. I have almost thrown in the towel several times since they were born, but because of the help i have received from lactation consultants I have stuck it out, and i am so glad i have. I told Zach if we have any more babies and we are not in Oregon, were coming back to have said baby.    

       I have twin baby boys, but it mostly just feels like I have two baby boys. They couldn't be more different. My doctor even mentioned she has never delivered twins who looked so differently. With that being said, I seriously am on the twin band wagon, It is absolutely wonderful! Zach and I could not imagine our lives without these two beautiful, happy babies. I love you Ren Maxwell. I love you Beck Heber. 

January 17, 2017


Disney land really is the happiest place on earth! I don't care what anyone has to say, its the best! I just wish Zach agreed with me on that one.. at least my family are still die hard fans. Taking Nola for the first time was seriously the best thing ever! I was worried that it would be hard cause we'd be interrupting naps, and her usual schedule and such but man she took it like a champ! 
My family knows how to do Disneyland, and ride tons of rides. My dad is like the fast pass guru, and he jets from one ride to the next getting all the possible fast passes and we all ride a ton, and stand in minimal lines. Its the way to go, really. Plus, with a baby we got to use the baby passes and that helps with the no line thing as well. We usually are there the second the park opens and often stay all the way until close. Die hards. 
This time around though, Zach and I did it a little bit differently. We took it easy, we didn't stay as late obviously, nola was tired and we were equally worn out!  We also tried to focus on doing things that nola would enjoy. We rode all our favorite rides, but we took time to watch the parades, see some of the shows, let nola run wild in toon town, and cars land. She loved to get down and just run around everywhere! The highlight of the trip was watching her experience all of the things. She wouldn't try a churro the first time I offered, and I was pretty upset about it, but she did try one eventually which is what counts.  She loved loved loved the tiki room, and danced like no one was watching... which everyone was watching, and laughing! Thats the great thing about babies, no inhibitions. She loved the parades, and all the lights, wasn't too fond of the characters, which is to be expected, and of course loved It's a small world after all. She sang along the entire time, and wanted to ride it over and over. It was such a fun trip, and I'm craving to go back so bad! 

I think the prompt was to hold Mickey Mouse in your hands? or the magic or something magical like that... 

missing dad, he's off getting fast passes.

This guy who works at the park as a photographer was taking our photo's one morning and he kept us there for like a half hour. He was so funny and particular about it... but we were trying to get to fantasy land early and we pretty much missed that boat. At least we got some good pictures! 

Nola loves Brynlie so much. they are best buddies.

When Zach has the camera no one is safe from awkward candid shots.

She loved to see the characters from afar, but the second she got too close she was freakin out!

So upset she won't try the dang churro.

 We bought nola her first set of Ears, embroidered with her name on them and everything, it was a fun morning at the mad hatter shop, and she loved seeing all the silly hats. 


One of my favorite pictures of all time!

 Another fun thing we did this trip was got Nola's silhouette cut out at the cute lil shop on main street. It was the perfect thing to do to kill time while we waited for the parade to start. Plus its such a sweet keepsake.

Drinkin those bai's. Give me all the caffeine!

She will probably kill me for posting this picture. I think its the cutest, and she's the cutest!

Much happier now, that she is on the churro band wagon. It was not acceptable for a child of mine to not like churros.